FUNTUNA-FORK: Moded by: | modeado por: Matías Israelson WIKI: LICENSE: | LICENCIA: DOWNLOADS: | DESCARGAS: PACKAGE CONTENTS: | CONTENIDO DE LOS PAQUETES: REPORT ISSUES: | REPORTAR BUGS: DISCUSIONS: | DISCUCIONES: Differences compared to original FunTuna: - Hacked icon (Opentuna/fortuna) is stored on an independent Folder to avoid timestamp changes when updating software - Every OSDSYS element is customizable (original FunTuna had top and bottom delimiters hardcoded) - Fixed bugs on FreeMcBoot - changed FreeMcBoot settings filename to keep FunTuna settings separated from FreeMcBoot settings on usb - FreeMcBoot and configurator can load USB drivers from `SYS-CONF` if not found on `BOOT` - Replaced fortuna with latest Opentuna - bundled with wLaunchELF mod capable of fixing fortuna/Opentuna icon date (quite stable and 101kb smaller than the original one) - Bundled with latest OPL release - Installer based on Opentuna installer - FreeMcBoot and configurator are slightly smaller - Automatically updated if uLaunchELF or OPL are updated